JKDS Solutions

JKDS Solutions Inc.

Welcome to JKDS Solutions, your trusted partner in infection control. We specialize in providing Clean-In-Place (CIP) disinfection generators and expert consulting services to help you maintain a safe and hygienic environment. With our cutting-edge technology and in-depth knowledge of infection control, we are committed to ensuring the well-being of your facility and the people within it.

At JKDS Solutions, we understand the critical importance of effective disinfection in preventing the spread of harmful pathogens. Our state-of-the-art CIP disinfection generators are designed to provide a comprehensive and efficient solution. By harnessing the power of advanced disinfection technologies, we help you achieve a thorough and consistent disinfection process.

However, our commitment extends beyond providing exceptional products. We believe in a holistic approach to infection control, which is why we offer expert consulting services tailored to your specific needs. Our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field, enabling us to assess your facility, identify potential vulnerabilities, and develop customized strategies for maximum protection.

Whether you operate a healthcare facility, food processing plant, or any other environment where infection control is paramount, JKDS Solutions is here to support you. We prioritize quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, ensuring that you receive the highest level of service and solutions that align with the latest industry standards.

Partner with JKDS Solutions and experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your facility is safeguarded by cutting-edge disinfection technology and expert guidance. Together, we can create a healthier and safer environment for everyone.

Why Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)?

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is widely recognized as an effective and safe disinfectant for several reasons:

  1. Strong antimicrobial activity: Hypochlorous acid is a powerful oxidizing agent that has broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. It effectively eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens by disrupting their cellular structures and metabolic processes. HOCl has been proven to be highly effective against common pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant strains like MRSA and C. difficile.
  2. Rapid and efficient action: Hypochlorous acid acts quickly, killing pathogens on contact. Its fast-acting nature reduces the risk of cross-contamination and allows for swift disinfection in various settings. It can be applied topically, sprayed, or used in fogging systems, providing efficient coverage and effective decontamination.
  3. Safety profile: One of the remarkable advantages of hypochlorous acid is its low toxicity to humans and animals. Unlike traditional disinfectants, such as bleach (sodium hypochlorite), HOCl is non-irritating to the skin and eyes, and it does not emit harmful fumes or leave toxic residues. This makes it a safe choice for use in environments where people and animals are present, such as healthcare facilities, schools, and food processing plants.
  4. Environmental friendliness: Hypochlorous acid is a naturally occurring compound produced by our own immune system to fight infections. It can also be generated through electrolysis of saltwater. Since it can be produced on-site using readily available ingredients, it minimizes the need for transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals. Additionally, HOCl breaks down into water and salt after disinfection, leaving behind no harmful byproducts or environmental pollutants.
  5. Versatility: Hypochlorous acid can be used on a wide range of surfaces and materials, including fabrics, metals, plastics, and electronics, without causing damage or corrosion. It can be safely applied to disinfect hard surfaces, medical equipment, sensitive electronics, and even skin. This versatility makes HOCl suitable for various industries, including healthcare, hospitality, food processing, and more.

Given its potent antimicrobial efficacy, safety, and environmental advantages, hypochlorous acid has gained recognition as an excellent disinfectant. Its ability to provide effective and safe disinfection across diverse applications makes it a preferred choice for infection control measures and maintaining hygienic environments.

Better surface cleaning with ECA Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Electrochemically activated sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is considered an excellent surface cleaner due to its unique properties and benefits:

  1. Alkaline cleaning power: Sodium hydroxide is a strong alkaline compound that can effectively remove various types of dirt, grease, oils, and organic residues from surfaces. It works by breaking down and emulsifying contaminants, making them easier to remove. The alkaline nature of NaOH helps in cutting through stubborn stains and deposits, making it particularly useful for heavy-duty cleaning tasks.
  2. Degreasing properties: Electrochemically activated NaOH exhibits excellent degreasing properties. It can efficiently dissolve and remove grease and oils from surfaces, including industrial equipment, kitchen appliances, and machinery. This makes it an ideal choice for cleaning surfaces in commercial kitchens, manufacturing facilities, automotive workshops, and other environments where grease and oil are common.
  3. Effective against organic matter: Electrochemically activated sodium hydroxide has the ability to break down and remove organic matter, such as proteins, blood, bodily fluids, and food residues. It is commonly used in healthcare facilities, laboratories, and food processing plants to clean and sanitize surfaces, equipment, and utensils.
  4. Disinfection capabilities: In addition to its cleaning properties, electrochemically activated NaOH also possesses some disinfection capabilities. While it may not be as potent as dedicated disinfectants, it can help reduce microbial populations on surfaces, thereby contributing to a cleaner and more hygienic environment.
  5. Versatility: Electrochemically activated NaOH can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including metals, ceramics, glass, and certain plastics. It is often utilized for cleaning floors, walls, countertops, machinery, tools, and other hard surfaces. Its versatility makes it suitable for various industries, such as manufacturing, food processing, hospitality, and healthcare.
  6. Environmentally friendly: Electrochemically activated NaOH is produced on-site by electrolysis, using water, salt, and electricity. This eliminates the need for transporting and storing large quantities of traditional cleaning chemicals. It is also biodegradable and does not leave harmful residues, making it environmentally friendly compared to some conventional cleaning agents.

While electrochemically activated NaOH offers excellent cleaning capabilities, it is important to handle it with care due to its caustic nature. Proper safety precautions, such as using protective gloves and eyewear, should be followed during its use.

Overall, electrochemically activated sodium hydroxide provides an effective, versatile, and environmentally friendly option for surface cleaning, particularly for removing tough stains, grease, oils, and organic matter.

Reducing Cost by eliminating Rotational Disinfectants –

Onsite Clean-In-Place (CIP) disinfection systems offer significant cost savings compared to buying rotational disinfectants. Here are several reasons why:

  1. Elimination of purchasing costs: With an onsite CIP disinfection system, you have the ability to generate the disinfectant solution on-site using basic ingredients like water, salt, and electricity. This eliminates the need to purchase pre-packaged disinfectants regularly, resulting in substantial cost savings over time.
  2. Reduced storage and inventory expenses: Rotational disinfectants typically require storage space and careful inventory management. By implementing an onsite CIP system, you eliminate the need for storing large quantities of disinfectants, freeing up valuable space and reducing inventory management costs.
  3. Minimized transportation costs: Rotational disinfectants often need to be transported from suppliers to your facility, which can incur additional expenses. By generating disinfectant on-site with a CIP system, you eliminate the need for frequent deliveries, reducing transportation costs and associated logistical challenges.
  4. Efficient use of resources: Onsite CIP systems can be tailored to produce the exact amount of disinfectant needed for specific cleaning and disinfection tasks. This minimizes wastage and ensures efficient use of resources. In contrast, rotational disinfectants may lead to overuse or underuse, resulting in unnecessary expenses or compromised disinfection effectiveness.
  5. Cost stability and flexibility: The cost of rotational disinfectants can fluctuate due to market factors such as supply and demand, transportation costs, and raw material prices. By generating your own disinfectant on-site, you have greater control over costs and are less susceptible to price fluctuations. Additionally, the flexibility to adjust the production volume based on your needs allows for cost optimization.
  6. Long-term cost savings: While the upfront investment for an onsite CIP system may be higher, it offers long-term cost savings. Once installed, the operational costs of producing disinfectant solution on-site are typically lower than continuously purchasing pre-packaged disinfectants. Over time, these cumulative savings can be substantial.
  7. Environmental sustainability: Onsite CIP disinfection systems are often more environmentally friendly compared to rotational disinfectants. By producing disinfectant on-site, you reduce the packaging waste associated with pre-packaged disinfectants and contribute to a more sustainable approach to cleaning and disinfection.

Overall, the implementation of an onsite CIP disinfection system can lead to significant cost reductions in terms of purchasing, storage, transportation, resource utilization, and long-term operational expenses. It offers greater control, flexibility, and sustainability, making it a cost-effective choice for maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and infection control in your facility.

Simply the Best –

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is considered one of the most effective disinfectants due to several key factors:

  1. Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity: HOCl is highly effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. It acts as a potent oxidizing agent, disrupting essential cell components and metabolic processes, leading to the inactivation and death of various pathogens.
  2. Rapid and Effective Killing: HOCl exhibits a rapid bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal activity. It can quickly penetrate the cell walls of microorganisms, disrupting enzymes and proteins necessary for their survival. This fast-acting nature makes HOCl highly efficient in reducing microbial loads.
  3. Non-Specific Action: HOCl acts through a non-specific mechanism, making it less prone to antimicrobial resistance. Unlike some disinfectants that target specific metabolic pathways or structures, HOCl affects a broad range of cellular targets, making it more difficult for microorganisms to develop resistance.
  4. Effective at Low Concentrations: HOCl retains its efficacy even at low concentrations, typically in the range of 50-200 parts per million (ppm). This low concentration requirement reduces the risk of toxicity and allows for its use in various applications, including food processing, water treatment, and healthcare settings.
  5. Broad Environmental Compatibility: Unlike many traditional disinfectants, HOCl is environmentally friendly. It is composed of water (H2O) and chlorine (Cl), and after its action, it reverts back to these components, leaving no harmful residues. HOCl is also safe for use in contact with human skin and surfaces, as it is non-irritating and non-toxic when used appropriately.
  6. Stability and Long Shelf Life: HOCl can be generated on-site using electrolysis or other methods, ensuring a continuous supply of the disinfectant. Additionally, when properly stored, HOCl has a relatively long shelf life, maintaining its effectiveness over time.
  7. Versatile Application: HOCl can be applied in various forms, including as a liquid, spray, or mist, allowing for versatile use across different environments and surfaces. It can be used for disinfection of air, water, and surfaces, making it suitable for a wide range of settings such as hospitals, laboratories, homes, and public spaces.

While Hypochlorous acid has numerous advantages as a disinfectant, it is important to note that proper usage guidelines and concentration levels should be followed to ensure its maximum effectiveness while maintaining safety for users.